Club Membership Information

The Bald Head Island Club is a private club for Members and registered Guest Passes only. Please refer to the listing for the home you are renting for Club membership availability. The Club’s guest passes are limited in quantity and are distributed on a first-registered, first-admitted basis. The club asks that guest passes be arranged as soon as possible prior to the guest’s arrival. All guest passes purchased less than five days prior to arrival will be subject to an additional $100 service fee.

The Shoal’s Club is a private club for Members and registered Guest Passes only. Please refer to the listing for the home you are renting for Club membership availability. The Club’s guest passes are limited in quantity and are distributed on a first-registered, first-admitted basis. The club asks that guest passes be arranged as soon as possible prior to the guest’s arrival. All guest passes purchased less than five days prior to arrival will be subject to an additional $100 service fee.